Thursday 1 December 2011

Special to U

Hari nie 1 December 2011,hari lahir sahabat aku dari sekolah menengah dan universiti...sahabat dari sekolah lama tu maaf la yerk sbb tak ada kad nak bagi walau dulu korang selalu buat kad birthday tuk sesiape je yg sambut nyer sgt nak bagi,,,aku wish dekat blog aje la..

To my friend here ,I will never forget you date of birth coz I really appreciate you as a friend,,,,so I have to make special bookmark for you as a birthday present.

Nie la bookmark nyer....HANDMADE tau,,,,,xla cntik sgt tp puas la sbb aku dpt bagi die...
p/ bookmark nie xbagi lagi kat org nyer,,,and tak tahu mcm mana nak bagi sbb aku malu la,,
nie first time aku buat bookmark sendiri tau,,,entah cantik ke entah tak
harap2 die suka la...ape yg aku buat nie...
HAppY BiRtHdAy to all my friends..
anD i wish HaPpY BelAteD BirThDaY to my friends who had his birthday last date....


Anonymous said...

alaa...malu2 plak dia

AtiQ said...

eehhh,,,mesty la...ak penyegan org nyer